Why Don’t American Parks Get Cute Food?

This is a Duffy Bento Box available at Hong Kong Disneyland. Look at the detail put into crafting this adorable and delicious looking food. Both bears have hats and faces and you can tell exactly who they are.

Universal Studios Japan’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter has a Magic Neep Cart. These jelly fruit drinks look delicious and refreshing. Something I’d definitely be down for on a hot summer day.

Just look at all these delicious looking cute foods from parks around the world!

I’m quite tired of the generic American or Americanized food we always get in our American theme parks. It’s basically burgers and pizza done a hundred different ways, with some chicken tenders thrown in.

Our parks regularly have festivals that have food booths that offer cuisines from around the world. They are wildly popular and people go to the parks just to eat those foods. Why don’t the parks take notice that we do eat other things and include them on the menus in the restaurants?

I think that when the parks are deciding what to put on the menu in American parks, they totally go for the basics. Probably with a thought that that’s all Americans eat.

Here’s another thing about American parks, especially in Central Florida. They have lots and lots of international visitors. Are these people coming here to experience the same American and Americanized food day after day in all of our parks? Or do they get tired of it while they’re on vacation?

Most often when cute foods are on the menu, they are only the sugary sweet desserts. Why? Because America. We get the Minion and Mickey Mouse candy apples, the Peter Pan floats, and the character shaped cookies. No bento boxes with characters, or anything remotely like them. I’m not saying I don’t think the sweets aren’t adorable or delicious, I’d just like to have more than cute sweets.

Even when the American parks try to serve us something different and unique, it ends up getting tossed off the menu. Just look at what happened to the amazing Skipper Canteen menu from when it first opened. Gone. I’m guessing this is most likely because people complain there aren’t burgers, pizza, and chicken tenders on the menu. Or they don’t order the foods that are different.

I personally know plenty of people who want all the cute, and healthier, food offered in the parks in other countries. Some of us want to go just to eat. Not even kidding about that. We’d love to see our stateside parks bring at least some of the foods over here.

So what do we have to do to get it? Send emails to the parks? Start petitions? Beg? Plead? Cry? All of that? I just want the cute and super cool food here. I’m ready to give them my money for it.

Universal’s Epic Universe park is going to have a Nintendo Land. I have desperate hopes that we get the same food they’re serving in Japan. At least most of it. Like, please don’t give us burgers and chicken tenders. We deserve better.

And while I’m on the subject of Universal, they are totally missing out on the popcorn bucket market here. We only have the small beach bucket type of thing going on. Sometimes there’s a passholder version. But, damn, they’ve got game in Japan! Don’t they know that Disney sells the shit out of popcorn buckets? People lose their minds over these things and collect them all. I’d be all over them if we got them here. Nintendo Land also has themed popcorn flavors that we’d better get here.

If you’re a person who visits the parks, how do you feel about the food and snacks? Are you good with everything as it is, or would you like to see them bring in some of the really cute stuff from international parks?


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